Monday, September 29, 2008

Kelten's Surgery

This last Friday Kelten had to get tubes in his ears, because the ear infections wouldn't leave him alone. We woke up at 6:00 got to Mount Ogden Surgical Center at 7:00 sat there waiting anxiously for the Dr to come in and the anesthesiologist. Around 7:30 the anesthesiologist came in and thinking Kelten had to get an iv and everything I was so nervous, but he said nope we don't have to poke were just going to put him to sleep with laughing gas, I was so relieved!!! So they took my little boy back and I heard him cry all the way till they got him to sleep and 20 minutes later they were done and I heard him cry again when he woke up :( He laid in my lap for about an hour just going in an out of sleeping and crying than the nurse let us go home and he was happy for the rest of the day :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Grocery shopping with mommy :)

This would be my adorable son Kelten riding in a grocery cart that has a car attached and he just loved riding that thing. He laughed throughout that whole store and all the people were like hes so cute oh my gosh!!! It was the cutest thing I've seen him do EVER.

Lava Hot Springs

This past weekend we went and stayed at Great Grandma Shaw's and went to Lava on Sunday. Thinking Lava Hot Springs was still open we thought we were gonna have so much fun swimming! Nope we didn't cause it wasn't open :( So we strolled around the town and got some ice cream cones, Grandma Shelley made her cone into a mini one so Kelten could eat his own cone and boy did he love it, did I mention it made a mess! So after that we had to go to a church picnic with my Grandma Shaw and the food was delicious. Watermelon was the best, Kelten LOVES watermelon. After eating we found these mineral pools that Kelten could go swimming in. So my wonderful mom said she would take Kelten swimming so Chris, my dad and I went tubing down the river. WOW it was so much fun. I have never done that before but I sure wanna do it again. Oh ya and I totally forgot to lift my bum over some rocks and totally hit it and it totally hurt!!! But anyways I just wanted to tell you about our Lava adventure and post some pictures of Kelten eating his cone.