Friday, August 15, 2008

A to Z facts about me!

Attached or Single: Attached all the way!!!

Best Friend: My mom is Best Friend :) She is ALWAYS here for me and is ALWAYS willing to help, love you mom!

Cake or Pie: Grandma Mosley's Apple Pie FOR SURE :)

Day: Saturday cause I just like to relax and hang out with Chris and Kelten.

Essential Items: Anything that fits in Kelten's diaper bag!

Favorite Color: Yellow

Gummy Bears or Worms: Neither, those things are to sweet.

Hometown: Roy

Indulgences: Ice Tea

January or July: July cause Kelten was born in July, on the 4th.

Kids: One amazing son Kelten, love him more than anything not to mention again he's my firework baby!

Life is Incomplete Without: Family and Friends

Marriage Date: No marriage yet :(

Number of Siblings: 1 older sister and 2 older brothers

Oranges or Apples: Oranges

Phobias or Fears: Haunted Houses, I know pathetic right. . .

Quote: Live life to the fullest, you never know when its going to end.

Reason to Smile: Kelten and Chris make me smile all day everyday!

Season: Fall

Tag: Ummmm. . . .

Unknown Fact about Me: I can never keep up on my laundry, I guess its cause I have so many clothes that I could go months without washing!!!

Vegan or Oppressor: ???

Worst Habit: Not keeping up on laundry!!!

X-Rays or Ultrasounds: Ultrasounds, nothing better than seeing your child grow in your tummy :)

Your Favorite Food: Anything Grandma Mosley makes and Grandma Shaw's Mac & Cheese

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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